Northern and
Southern Schleswig
Denmark & GermanyJune 28 - July 7, 2024.


Further financial support for EUROPEADA

Around a month before the start of the 5th edition of EUROPEADA, the European Football Championships for autochthonous and national minorities, the organizers are delighted to receive further financial support. In addition to the city of Flensburg, the districts of Nordfriesland, Schleswig-Flensburg and Rendsburg-Eckernförde are also participating in the project.

Ten of the 14 venues are located in the three districts and in Flensburg, so there was broad political support for the tournament. The subsidies are between 10,000 and 15,000 euros and play their part in ensuring that the event can take place.
"We are grateful to the local politicians and are delighted that our four applications were all assessed positively in the end," says Ruwen Möller, EUROPEADA project manager.


Photo: Martin Ziemer

Further financial support for EUROPEADA

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Local sponsors




Union Bank

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Rohde Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH

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Flensborg Avis

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Der Nordschleswiger

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Na Logo

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hpo Steuerberater

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Flensburger Brauerei

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Knipskasten Flensburg

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