- 1 | Marvin Bruhn
- 2 | Mathias Bruhn
- 3 | Lasse Böckenholt
- 4 | Lars Christiansen
- 5 | Jannik Danielsen
- 6 | Christoph Dethlefsen
- 7 | Jannik Drews
- 8 | Melf Feddersen
- 9 | Jorge Hansen
- 10 | Morten Hoefer
- 11 | Eduard Klemmer
- 12 | Kim Lorenzen
- 13 | Joern Lorenzen
- 14 | Janne Petersen
- 15 | Nick Petersen
- 16 | Lennart Petzold
- 17 | Lasse Paulsen
- 18 | Renz Rapraeger
- 19 | Oke Storm
- 20 | Luca Thun
- 21 | Tade Traber
- 22 | Bjarne Wiebe
- 23 | Tobias Zuth
- 24 | Yannik Friedrichsen
- 25 | Henrik Moellgaard
Nordfrasche bai e EUROPEADA
Dåt tiim „Nordfrasche“ fertreet e spräkemanerhäid foon da Nordfraasche bai e EUROPEADA 2024.
Da Nordfrasche san ouer e tid diilj foon e EUROPEADA. 2008 kömen ja ai our e floose-spaale haanüt, duch 2012 heewes di 18. Ploots föngen.
Anbai dåt iir 700 kömen da frasche ouer e Nordsii tu da ailönje Sal, Oomram än Feer. Öif 1110 gängens aw e fåstewåål än döör`t 14. än 15 iirrhunert boogeten`s bit tu e Slaswiger gååst. E schåår önj Nordfraschlönjs historie wus e „tweete mandränke“ önje stormmoune 1634. Di storm mååget da ailönje än e strönj tuninte än duusende manschne bliiwen düüdj. Made önjt 17. iirhunert wöör e regjioon bili rik, ourdåt da frasche bai e wålfång än e siifård aw schaawe üt e Neederlönje, Hamborj, Kuupenhuuwen önje tiinst wjarn. Taning än Hüsem wörn rik. Eefter di jarste wråålskrich wörn da bürger önje norden än e mad foon Slaswig frååget, weer haane ja jam tuwiinje wan. Önj norden trinam Tuner wjarns for Danmark, di sööden bliiw diilj foon Slaswig-Holstiinj; jüst sü as en latj berik trinam Hüsem. Ma e krisreform önj Slaswig-Holstiinj di 26. gjarsmoune 1970 wörn da üülje krise Eederstää, Hüsem än Söödtuner tu en naien loonkris, ”Nordfraschlönj” ma e hoodstää Hüsem. Uk diling laawe nuch frasche aw Hålilönj, wat tu di kris Pinneberg hiirt. E frasche spräke ward foon ambai 10.000 mansche snååkt än as dåt wichtigst tiiken for da frasche. Önje loonsferfooting, aartiikel 5, san da frasche schöölt än wårde stipet. Sunt 2004 heet dåt Friisk gesäts da frasche ruchte önje öfentlikhäid ferbäädert än uk e staling as äine floose. Di dachter Theodor Storm üt Hüsem mååget Nordfraschlönj bili bekånt döör sin tääl “Der Schimmelreiter“.
Dat tiim for e EUROPEADA 2024
Nordfrasche wüste
Dat wüste-tiim team „Nordfrasche“ fertreet e spräkemanerhäid foon da Nordfraasche bai e EUROPEADA 2024. Around the year 700 the Frisians reached the isles of Sylt, Amrun and Föhr, coming from the North Sea. In 110 they began expanding their settlement zone notably, during the 14th and 15th century the Frisians settled the border of the Schleswig Geest. A crucial incision of the North Frisian history was the „second big drowning” in October 1634. After a storm surge, which destroyed the isle and the beach, thousands of inhabitants lost their lives. Mid-seventieth century the territory went through an economic boom due to whale hunt and commercial shipping, when North Frisians signed on Dutch, Hamburg and Copenhagen ships to earn their money. The cities of Tönning and Husum evolved into commercial centres. After World War I a referendum was held out in order to decide about the territory affiliation of the Northern and middle parts of Schleswig. The Northern part of the Tondern district decided in favour of Denmark, the Southern part remained part of Schleswig Holstein, as well as the small Northern part of the Husum district. As part of the district reform in Schleswig-Holstein, which took place the 26th April 1970, the three districts Eiderstedt, Husum and Südtondern were joined to the new “district of North Friesland” with main office in Husum. Even nowadays the North Frisians are living above this district on the isle of Helgoland. The Frisian language, which is spoken by ca. 10.000 people, is their most important identifying feature. Due to Article 5 of the Schleswig-Holstein state constitution, the Frisian ethnic group is appreciating the right of protection and funding. Since 2004 the Frisian law has strengthened their rights in public life and also the confession of being an own ethnic group. The poet Theodor Storm is descending from the North Frisian people; he became famous through its novel “The Dykemaster”.
Da wüste-tiim „Nordfrasche“ wus bai e jarst EUROPEADA deerbai.