Northern and
Southern Schleswig
Denmark & GermanyJune 28 - July 7, 2024.


Team Koroška / Kärnten

Austria Minority: Carinthian Slovenes
  • 1 |  Celine Arthofer
  • 2 |  Samira Gratz
  • 3 |  Lisa Greibl
  • 4 |  Carina Jessenitschnig
  • 5 |  Lena Krautzer
  • 6 |  Leonie Lackner
  • 7 |  Alissa Lamzari
  • 8 |  Hannah Madrian
  • 9 |  Julia Mak
  • 10 |  Anna Malle
  • 11 |  Bianca Oberrauner
  • 12 |  Franziska Oraže
  • 13 |  Romina Picej
  • 14 |  Pia Picej
  • 15 |  Fabiana Trevisan
  • 16 |  Maddalena Trevisan
  • 17 |  Alena Wieser

Team Koroška/Kärnten at EUROPEADA

Carinthians of Slovenia already participated with a womens team at the EUROPEADA of 2022 and obtained the 1st place.


The Carinthian Slovenes in Austria

The “Team Koroška/Kärnten” is the representative team of the Slovenian minority in Carinthia - Austria.

Traces of their relatives date back to the 6th century, when a Slavic national territory was established. It was named “Karantien”. Over a whole century this territory remained independent, until it was threatened by the advancing Avars. The assault was indeed fended off with the support of the neighbouring Baiuwarii, nevertheless the territory got never back its old independence. The allies took in possession the most precious properties and sent their own farmers into the country for treatments. This led to a shift of the German-Slovenian language border towards South within the next centuries and remained nearly unchanged from the 15th until mid of the 19th century. Along this language boundary and beyond the people stayed in contact through commerce and trade and therefore they had the opportunity to learn several languages. At the beginning of the 19th century the newspapers, such as the “Carinthia” in Carinthia, achieved an essential role within the development of languages due to the invention of the printing. During the first years of appearance the articles were both published in German and Slovenian. With the emergence of the nationalisms within the second half of the 19th century, the nations substituted the multi-ethnic states and only people who knew their languages belonged. The language became somehow the interacting and excluding element. Language conflicts were preprogramed and the peaceful coexistence between the German speaking North and the Slovenian speaking South was disturbed. By this time, nearly a thigh third of the population of Carinthia`s mother tongue was Slovenian.

During World War 1 a range of Carinthians of Slovenia were pursued and arrested, already the confessing to be a Slovenian was sufficient for accusation of high treason. After breakdown of the monarchy, the Kingdom of Serbia, even Croatia and Slovenia claimed parts of Carinthia, enforced within armed disputes against the voluntary Carinthian associations. The peace conference of Paris discussed the controversial crossroads issues in the newly established Austria. In May 1919 for the territory around the valley of Klagenfurt it was decided to held out a popular assembly. The preparations were marked by intense propaganda campaigns. At the decision on the 10th October 1920 Austria ended up in a 59% to 41% in favour of Austria, because the territory of the election was mainly inhabited by Slovenians. The contract of St. Germain guaranteed the Slovenian speaking minority the entire equality and also the right in using and caring the mother tongue. Nevertheless, the implementation was painful and took quite long; too much has been happened on both sides. An example of this difficult approach is the long-standing boundary sign fight. Nowadays the minority rights of the Carinthians of Slovenia are recognized and people live predominantly conflict free and peaceful together. The ethnic group of the Carinthians of Slovenia has declined nearly about two-thirds and counts more than 13.000 according to the population census, an inquiry on the slang of 1991 reports 50.000 people.



Photo gallery


European Football Championship of the autochthonous national minorities

European Football Championship of the autochthonous national minorities


Federal Union of European Nationalities

Federal Union of European Nationalities


Mute Hate Speech

Mute Hate Speech


Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland de / UEFA

Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland de / UEFA





Sportland SH

Sportland SH


Stadt Flensburg

Stadt Flensburg


Kreis Schleswig-Flensburg

Kreis Schleswig-Flensburg


Tønder Kommune

Tønder Kommune


Region Syddanmark

Region Syddanmark


Haderslev Kommune

Haderslev Kommune


Aabenraa Kommune

Aabenraa Kommune


Sønderborg Kommune

Sønderborg Kommune


Kreis Nordfriesland

Kreis Nordfriesland


Kreis Rendsburg-Eckernförde

Kreis Rendsburg-Eckernförde


Miniszterelnökség, Nemzetpolitikai Államtitkárság Bethlen Gábor Alap

Miniszterelnökség, Nemzetpolitikai Államtitkárság Bethlen Gábor Alap

Local organisers

German Minority in Denmark

German Minority in Denmark


Sinti and Roma Organisation

Sinti and Roma Organisation


North Frisian Minority Association

North Frisian Minority Association


Danish minority in Germany

Danish minority in Germany

Local sponsors




Union Bank

Union Bank


Rohde Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH

Rohde Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH


Flensborg Avis

Flensborg Avis


Der Nordschleswiger

Der Nordschleswiger


Na Logo

Na Logo


Hotel des Nordens

Hotel des Nordens





hpo Steuerberater

hpo Steuerberater








Flensburger Brauerei

Flensburger Brauerei


Knipskasten Flensburg

Knipskasten Flensburg


Phono Flensburg

Phono Flensburg